Sunday, December 1, 2019

2019 Recap

I am embarassed at not updating my blog sooner, but the last half of this year has been crazy. Between my broken hand in July, Makerfaire and other family events, my blog has lanquished. But no further. 

Despite my handicap, I was able to mostly finish my FX-7 droid in time for the Milwaukee Makerfaire.

I plan on finishing the base, adding details for the insets in the head and to add movement to the head and some of the arms.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

2019 Build Update

It's been a busy year as I am laboring to get the droid finished in time for MakerFaire in September. Progress has been brisk, but I hit a major speed bump when I broke my hand earlier in July. I am determined to get the fully painted droid completed for MakerFaire in September.